
Rosalie is it holy?

When a person gives his life during a remarkable example of practice of Christian qualities, his memory remains alive in the minds and heart of the people who have worked with her. As it did during his earthly life, that person after his death continues to inspire his contemporaries and his descendants in concentric circles of ever larger.

His reputation for holiness is established, we talk as a saint, it is considered as an extraordinary role model and to propose to the other.

That’s what happened with Rosalie Cadron-Jetté. After her death, her sisters in religion, his family, his sister, who have worked with her and knew her testimony focused on his virtues and especially full practice she was doing. They spoke of her as a saint.

Thus, a girl welcomed by the community as a result of her illegitimate pregnancy wrote to his mother:
« Do not worry, Mom, I’m getting a good girl. I make a novena to your intention, for the Sisters here we are praying that their founder was a saint. “The first mothers, religious contemporary Rosalie spoke of their Mother Foundress of the Nativity as an exemplary person. Many others did the same.

This reputation of holiness, based on the example given during the life of the individual, is the first step in the recognition of true holiness. Rosalie gave an impressive enough that one wishes to have it recognized by the Church, so that it is proposed as a model for all Christians example. As said Bourget in 1881: “You have to have enough faith and confidence in his protection [Rosalie] to get miracles, and then the Church will decide. “We see by these words, the Church does not make saints lightly.

To answer the question which covers this section, Rosalie is not officially a saint. However, many people trust him and his example continues to inspire the people in their lives everyday. Rosalie is an active presence in the lives of many people. That is why we believe appropriate to pursue the necessary steps to canonization, in order to provide an example to all Christians of the world, ie the universal Church.

According BESSETTE, Sylvie, spiritual explorations with Rosalie Cadron-Jetté, Montreal, RCJC, 2007, p. 20 et ss.

The communion of saints

In the Catholic faith, all Christians are called to holiness. But why then speak of the communion of saints, while few feel close to reaching holiness?

When the Catholic Church teaches that the call to holiness is universal, it indicates where all those who believed in Christ from his teaching, his death on the cross and resurrection, whether dead or alive are included in this all-encompassing notion of universality.
Now, Jesus is “the right hand of God” for almost two thousand years! Billions of people have so believed in the Good News and the One who announced. All these dead, died in faith, have now returned to the Father’s House, and already participating in the glory of God in varying degrees. So they can pray for the living.

These Christians are not missing died in an inaccessible paradise, with no communication between them and the living … A link can be established between the two worlds, and this link is not spiritualism and other maneuvers with uncertain outcomes that it stood!
This link is through prayer that it creates. Through prayer, we can enter into “communion” with his ancestors in the faith. Thus, the communion of saints talking about a very simple and beautiful reality: these words mean the relationship develops between the living and the dead.

Rosalie listened to us

Mother Rosalie, who both listened to those who come to him for help, protection and guidance during his life, she continues to welcome all praying and praying that their trust and turn to it? But yes! Rosalie praying and asking him to intercede with the Lord Christ, we live full communion of saints: a communication through prayer with Rosalie to enter into communion with her, whose whole life has demonstrated its desire to move ever closer to God’s love.

According BESSETTE, Sylvie, spiritual explorations with Rosalie Cadron-Jetté, Montreal, RCJC, 2007, p. 51 et ss.


What is a miracle?

Miracles are one way that God gives himself to join his followers, they are the manifestation of the power of his love for humanity. Miracles still exist in a context that goes beyond. Spontaneous and complete recovery, if it is not lived in a context of faith, is not considered a miracle, but as a prodigy.

An extraordinary fact, if only benefits the one who receives without bringing education to the entire community, not a miracle. A private revelation, which does not advance the Christian faith is not considered a miracle either.

A “miracle” that forces the person to believe in a power that otherwise would not recognize (a wizard for example) is not a miracle, but a fraud. For there to be a miracle, believing the context is essential, and we must see that the miracle advances, advance the person who benefits, and by extension the whole Church, the People of God on the move, the assembly believers. The miracle must allow in other words to make contact with the power of divine love, it must be a sign.

Miracles take a very important place in the Gospels, both by the space they occupy and the essential role they play in education. How Jesus’ miracles do they differ from those of his contemporaries healers? Dimension by their teacher and their community impact.
Moreover, Jesus never tried to take advantage of these wonders for his personal glory, fleeing for example on the mountain after the miracle of the loaves and fishes, or else defending the paralytic to talk about him.

Miracles: signs with education and to better understand the goodness and love of God for humanity through His Son Jesus. They also serve to bring the faithful to deepen their faith by seeing these concrete signs of power and divine love. No miracle without faith, because imagine how a sign of God’s presence in a hostile environment? We are invited to expect the coming of the Kingdom of God, miracles, giving us a taste and an illustration.

Rosalie why should it work a miracle to become a saint?

Rosalie, who practiced Christian qualities heroically during his life, wanted to follow in every way the model of Christ, the Son of the loving merciful Father. She did it with the help of the saint who has informed and guided during his earthly existence Spirit.

The full integration of the teachings of the Gospel Rosalie took her on the road to sainthood. She responded to the call at all. Now in the presence of the Father, interceding for Rosalie all who pray and trust.
If a miracle occurred thanks to his intercession, it will be a tangible sign of his holiness, that is to say of its proximity with the Lord. The miracle will somehow confirmation of the sanctity of Rosalie, Servant of God. The Church can give Rosalie Jetté Cadron an example to all believers in the proposed model for every believer can in turn move towards holiness.

It then becomes easy to understand why we must pray and hope for a miracle attributed to the intercession of Rosalie. Such an event would confirm that Rosalie participates in the perfect holiness of God, and more to make it a member of the company of saints whose life and example guide all Christians in their journey towards God.

According BESSETTE, Sylvie, spiritual explorations with Rosalie Cadron-Jetté, Montreal, RCJC, 2007, p. 90 et ss.

How to become a saint?

The call to holiness

One can not speak of holiness without addressing what has been a revolution in the work of the Second Vatican Council, the universal call to holiness. Yes, we are all called to holiness! Hard to believe? Yet this is the theme that is developed in Chapter 5 of the document on the Church Lumen Gentium (LG), which is found in the Acts of Vatican II.

This chapter 5, “The universal call to holiness in the Church,” reminds us that the Lord Jesus himself said:

“You therefore, be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Mt 5, 48).

This is to help us achieve this goal that God sent the Holy Spirit to help all Christians to live according to this commandment. The grace received in Baptism sanctified us, that is to say, it makes us participate in the holiness of God by making us brothers and sisters in Christ and in Christ.

It is through our fidelity to this baptismal grace, the desire to imitate Christ and remain true to his gospel that we will reach the ultimate goal: to participate in the holiness of God by becoming a saint.

Anyone can access it, regardless of their status in life. Poor, marginalized people family or celibacy, or retired workers, sick or healthy, young or old, all are called!
That’s what Lumen Gentium teaches us developing the concept of the “priesthood” of the People of God, the priesthood by which all the baptized, who are the people of God are called to make Christ present in the world. Christians “exercise that priesthood in receiving the sacraments, prayer and thanksgiving, the witness of a holy life, abnegation and active charity. ” (LG 10)

This holy life is expressed among others by the love of God, self and neighbor, sharing, kindness, service. The Lord Jesus calls each of the baptized to live by these precepts that lead to holiness when fully implemented

All those who attain this ideal in turn become models offer other Christians. This is why the Church continues to create saints. The members of the People of God again and again to meet the call to holiness that God gives him.

Rosalie becomes in this context a striking example of the universality of the call by God to His children example. Rosalie, do not forget, lived a life actually quite similar to that of many women of her era: bride, she gave birth to eleven children. Only six survived.
Widowed early in her life, she suffered from poor health, living conditions and poverty. She accepted all these trials the serene heart and deferred to God.

Considering himself too uneducated to found a community, it took its Bourget Bishop gets involved by saying “God willing”, so she agrees to establish a forward-thinking community based on free hosting judgment … His way of living in community was a devoted but erased his natural modesty preventing them from taking the lead member too. Rosalie was not remarkable in the eyes of society at the time, who thought the opposite.

These are everyday actions entirely directed towards the common good, attitudes and sharing of universal love, which made ​​it a model and an inspiration to those who saw her change from day to day. No brilliant actions in the life of Rosalie. Only a calm certainty of wanting to respect the will of God and his commandments of love guided her throughout her life. Rosalie, perhaps, would be the first surprise to know that those around him and then all those who knew and loved through testimony want it to be recognized by the holy Church, that is to say, proposed model for all Christians.

According BESSETTE, Sylvie, spiritual explorations with Rosalie Cadron-Jetté, Montreal, RCJC, 2007, p. 47 and following. To view this book online click here.