Single Photo of Rosalie

April 7, 2013, at the annual gathering of the French members of the International Family of Misericordia, Julie Duchesne, coordinator of the Museum of the Sisters of Misericordia, performed with Monique Lallier S., SM, Superior General, the unveiling of the only photo Rosalie newly restored. A lot of emotion and consideration were there!

This photo is permanently installed at the grave of Rosalie at the Mother House of the Sisters of Misericordia.

To read the text of the unveiling, please click on the PDF “Unveiling the restoration of the unique photo of Rosalie” at the bottom of the photo below.

After reading this, you will look more Mother Rosalie in the same way …




Unveiling the restoration of the unique photo Rosalie download a PDF
To see the video of the restoration of the unique photo Rosalie, click here.